This is the most important question which we have to understand. If once we exactly know what girls are then we can have that we will feel like heaven. Some Girls are very good Girls like boys different people have different opinion. But girls are most respectful in this world should give honour to all girls Some people often confuse confidence with being cocky or arrogant. Confidence simple means to accept and handle any problems that come your way, regardless of whether you actually know what to do or not. People who are comfortable with themselves are confident - they know not everyone will like them, but they are fine with that. Being confident can be obtained by just living life and experiencing new things. If you aren't confident and want to be, you could try talking to one new person each day. You don't have to be best friends with each person you talk to - simply saying "Hi" is sufficient enough. By talking to more people, you will become more comfortable and thus more socially confident in yourself.Girls want guys who have something they feel passionate about in their lives. What hobbies, interests, or projects are you passionate about? Maybe you love to travel and see new things, or you can play an instrument or paint. Having something you are passionate shows girls a unique side to you. It also shows that you are grounded as a person and have more going for you.
Someone who is a positive is the kind of person girls like to be around. If you've ever been around negative people who complain all the time, you probably know how exhausting it can be hanging out with them. A positive person is an encouragement to the people that surround them. They see things obstacles as opportunities and can laugh at themselves.
In short I feel it doesn’t matter how and what girls are but we should have respect for all girl not only selective one’s
Someone who is a positive is the kind of person girls like to be around. If you've ever been around negative people who complain all the time, you probably know how exhausting it can be hanging out with them. A positive person is an encouragement to the people that surround them. They see things obstacles as opportunities and can laugh at themselves.
In short I feel it doesn’t matter how and what girls are but we should have respect for all girl not only selective one’s
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